Hull Badminton Club

The History of Hull Badminton Club

Founded in 1912, the club enjoys the distinction of being the oldest, purely badminton club in England. Instrumental in its foundation was the late Mrs Norman Judge who, with about 25 others, mainly ladies, played at Wenlock Barracks Anlaby Road until the outbreak of World War 1. Except for the season 1915-16, badminton continued at St Barnabas Church Hall, Hessle Road, Hull where it stayed until 1925 when a move to The White City Stadium facilitated an increase in membership to 55, the maximum the courts could accommodate.

1937 was a landmark year for the club. The late Mr Geoffrey Marshall (now one of seven of the club’s honorary life members) was the prime mover for the establishment of the Badminton Hall and Sports complex at our present site on Chanterlands Avenue Hull. With the co-operation of the Hull and East Riding Amateur Athletic Company, the land was made available for this purpose.

The cost of construction for the Badminton Hall was approximately £2000 with a further £3500 required to build the Clubhouse plus two squash courts. All the necessary funds were raised locally. With its four purpose-built courts on a Scandinavian Pine wooden sprung floor the specifications conformed to the highest standard set by the sport’s governing body. It remains one of only a handful of similar venues throughout the UK and is held in high esteem by all those who have played here.

In the early 1920’s, in association with clubs in the Bradford and Harrogate areas, Hull Badminton Club was a founder member of the Yorkshire County Badminton Association and closely connected with the formation of the Yorkshire Badminton League.

The first Hull Open Badminton Tournament was held in 1926. Mr Geoffrey Marshall was responsible for its organisation and continued in the role for many years thereafter when due to its size and success it was handed over to the Hull Badminton League in 1961. Now Administered by The Badminton Centre the tournament ran its 74th event in 2006, attracting entries from the elite players all over the country.

The junior club is run by our Badminton England level 2 coach. Senior and Junior club nights are on Monday and Thursday evenings between 5:30pm and 10:30pm with the season commencing September and finishing the following April.

The club is affiliated to our sport’s governing body, Badminton England, and maintains a comprehensive constitution, child protection policy and equity policy.

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